Monday, March 26, 2007

Angels Among Us

Do you remember that old spiritual,

All day, all night,
angels watching over me, my Lord
All day, all night,
angels watching over me.

I do not think about angels. My philosophy for the most part is: "can't see 'em, don't look for 'em, don't need 'em". Have you ever stopped to think about the ramifications of angelology on your every day life? I was recently challenged to do that by the Sr Pastor here at WyBC during his sermon series on the topic of Angels. It caused me to stop and rethink my theology at least in its relevant applications.

My conclusion is that the doctrine of angels does matter. (I knew that it did or it should!) But how? Here are a few of my thoughts on the subject.

  1. Angels are real. -- This point may be too simplistic a place to start, but I need an "easy button" here! This point of "like duh" theology reminds me that I can be caught up in the tangible, material world around me. My thinking worldview is often contorted into the world's pretzel shape -- I believe what I can see. But that is not the life of faith. I love the story of Elisha and the servant (2 Kgs. 2:15-17) where the eyes of the servant were opened. I wish that I had the eyes of Elisha or Tim LaHaye to see the armies doing battle. But I don't need to. I know that the battle is real because the Word tells me so. And I have weapons of warfare that are not carnal/fleshly (2 Cor 10:4) so that I can wrestle against spiritual forces of wickedness (Eph. 6:12). APP: Pray= do not let me be sucked into the trap of naturalism, keep me alert for spiritual warfare; Do= believe without sight (John 20:29)
  2. Angels are not to be worshipped. -- Again, don't miss the significance here in this basic building block. The world, especially the postmodern one is susceptible to this phenomenon. They want a supernatural, extra-ordinary experience. They crave new and exciting! This trend is good news for charismatic groups. However, it is an exposure of the finititude of the human mind and body to the power of the occult. This action is not recommended. But lest we think that this a new wave, consider that there have always been curiosity seekers when it comes to spiritual and miraculous things (cp. Acts 8:18-19, 9:13-15). Angels never accepted the worship and homage of men. They always stopped the process (Rev. 22:9) APP: Pray= I worship You alone O God! Do= do not seek an audience with angels or spirit guides, worship and commune with God alone
  3. Angels are on a mission from God. -- I don't need to go looking for them. If they have a message for me, I will see them. It's the old "don't call us, we'll call you" line. I don't need to waste one ounce of energy looking for their activity or even trying to summon it. God is the only one that I pray to. God is the Sovereign, the LORD God of (the angelic) Hosts. I have a hotline right to the commander-in-chief. He will let me know when I need to have an intervention with an angel. Until then, I will continue to speak to Him. APP: Pray= Open my ears to your message by whatever messenger you choose. Do not allow me to be deceived by false witnesses. DO= test the spirits whether they are from God or not (1 Jn. 4:1).
  4. I have something that the angels do not have; salvation. -- My life here on this earth, in the earthen vessel, is significant. It is not the vessel that makes it so, but the treasure inside! The Holy Spirit dwelling on board because of the Savior's substitutionary atonement is something that the angels are excited about (Luke 15:10) and long to understand personally (1 Pet 1:12). But they cannot. This is a gift. APP: Pray= Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift (2 Cor 9:15) Do= Do not take this lightly, tell others how they can have such an awesome gift, true supernatural power in ther life!

So, angels do affect my everyday life. But I don't need to obsess about them. They are there and they are busy about the Lord's work -- as I should be! So, I must get back to work, since I too am a servant/messenger of God! :) Please note that I will not be ordering an angel pin for my lapel or an "I brake for angels" bumper sticker. I might watch "Touched by an Angel" reruns, but not to build my theology of angels. :)

The King of Angels is watching over me,


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