Monday, October 31, 2005

Bibliographic Note

To those of you who may be interested in reading about Doug Stringer's ministry from Houston TX, his book information is posted below:

Stringer, Doug. Somebody Cares: A Guide to Living Out Your Faith. Regal Books: Ventura, CA, (c) 2001.

Send me your thoughts after you've read the book! :)
Pastor Mike

Somebody Cares

I just finished reading Doug Stringer's book, "Somebody Cares". What a stirring challenge to me about reaching out to those who have no hope in my community. I would like to post and reflect on a number of quotes form that book that I hope will stir you as well. As with any book that I read, there are portions of Doug's theology that just do not fit with my personal understanding and/or practice. However, as I was recently reminded, I must not criticize and do nothing to improve it. I may not do it the way that Doug does, but I must do something else!

Here's quote one:

"The Creator of the universe intends for your life and mine to shape the destiny of this world. ... My life [is] not my own. ... Our Father has a job for us to accomplish." p. 31

Wow! Talk about enlarged borders! I had a professor at seminary that used to talk like that. Lee Wise just soaked that challenging motivational speech right up and oozed it back out to us as young men. I love that kind of speech! But it must go beyond that "speech" level to "shoe leather" level.

I hope to add posts in the next few months that will point back to this one and will testify of God using my life, no HIS life, to move others toward heaven.

Thanks for listening,
Motivated to shape the destiny of this world from Wyoming, NY
Pastor Mike