Saturday, March 31, 2007

Communion Links for Further Thought

As I have been thinking about the issue of "why do we do it that way" and reading many of your insightful observations, I have compiled some more food for your thought.

A thorough discussion of the communion issues -- Southwestern Baptist Seminary theologian
A blog detailing my view as "local church only" communion
A simple Baptist "4 reasons" why it has to be this way

My conclusion is that the reason that we practice communion in the local church only is a combination of our caution (a really good thing) and authority of the local church (a really important thing) and tradition (not always a bad thing). You will not find a single passage that says "thou shalt practice communion only in the local church building with only the sr pastor presiding using oyster soup crackers and Welch's graps juice served in plastic disposable cups". It is in fact a combination of principles and practical effects of the church's operation that have shaped our "local church only" communion.

Let's keep discussing,


Todd Paris said...

the first two are good, the last is just spray. weak.
I think what you did in youth group was good, as a teaching tool, but I don't think that you should do it once amonth in youth group as a replacement of the time in church.

Todd Paris said...

interesting- just went to desiring god website and todays topic was "pursue unity or pursue doctrine" interesting.

Pastor Mike Paris said...

Ok c4C, I feel affirmed in my choice of teaching methods. But why do you limit my freedom to "once in a while" instead "as often as we gather together"? The early church as you point out seems to be in a VERY regular reminder. Is it, as one writer said, in effect the result of a "cooling off" of the zeal of the early church? The furtherthey got away from the resurrection the less they focused on the immanent return of Christ?
Until he returns,