Friday, April 28, 2006

Learning to Read Your Bible All Over Again

I love this section title in chapter 6 of Dr. Gary Meadors book, Decision Making God's Way. It describes again the goal of the author (both Meadors and Paris) -- to challenge the paradigms that we have always used. In order to grow, sometimes we need a fresh, more mature, more complex model. Think of this way; when you develop your skills on wheeled chariots, you move from the tricycle to a two-wheeler with training wheels, to a two-wheeler sans trainers, to a 10-speed bike, to a motor scooter , to a Harley! :) So think of these discussion questions as tools to move you into HOG (Harley Owners Group)! :)

1. When considering Biblical narrative, especially in the OT, what are the dangers in reading these accounts as prescriptive for today? What models of “finding the will of God” can emerge from these accounts? What is the safeguard against such results?

2. What is dispensational premillenialism? Why is it important to the discussion of Biblical study?

3. Where are you on the continuum of Biblical applicability? 1=total continuity (everything applies now as it did then) 10=only Paul’s letters to churches apply now

4. Define the three levels of Biblical teaching and give an example of each. What is the value of going beyond the most basic level one? What is the danger of evaluating Scripture only at level three?

5. Is the practice of reading a certain Bible passage through once, defining what the author is saying and deciding “what the passage means to me” enough to fully understand a Biblical worldview? Why or why not? Does 2 Timothy 2:15 give any insight here? Does 2 Timothy 3:16-17? Are there other passages that help?

6. Are the stories of Isaac’s bride (Genesis 24) and Gideon’s fleece (Judges 6) descriptive or prescriptive will of God narratives? Discuss these stories in terms of Scripture and Meadors’ proposals for knowing God’s will.

7. Describe a “place where God can bless us” (p.115).

8. How do you understand Proverbs 3:5-6 as a will of God text? Is a mental vacuum a mark of spirituality?

9. How do you understand the prayer of Psalm 25:4-14? Is David asking for more “revelation from God about the specifics of his life situation in order to be successful”? Is he “looking for something that he has failed to find in order to live a life pleasing to God”? (p.119) What do you believe about the ministry of direct revelation today?

10. Discuss the life of Christ as an example of doing the will of God. Investigate Meadors’ catalog of Scriptures on pp. 121-122. Are his conclusions correct?

11. Describe Meadors’ “new model for knowing God’s will” based on our classes on chapters 1-6. Is this an accurate subtitle?

There. That ought to keep you chewing on great decision making thoughts for the week!

Sue -- How do these discussions affect how we develop the church model/paradigm? Is there a right way to do church? Is there a biblical model (prescriptive) as well as discussions of a church emerging in Acts (descriptve)? Is inclusion of the arts in worship an acceptable form since there are no paintings or musical scores inspired in the pages of the NT text? Where does this put us on the spiral? :)

Until you blog a response or your head stops hurting, :)

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