Monday, April 03, 2006

Illegal Immigration and the Word of God

As the issues of illegal immigration and border control continues to heat up, is there a conservative voice out their who would dare to engage the issue on the merits of .... (gasp) the Bible? How should this influx of foreigners be handled from a biblical worldview? Charles posed this question to his SS class and to the teen boys as they travelled to Fredonia NY on a "Destination Unknown" April 1 field trip.

The teen boys of course chose a "show them your gun and they'll turn around quick enough" approach. Very macho... but is it biblical?

Does the OT law concerning strangers and "foreigners within your gates" bear on this conversation? Does Paul's discussion of the power of the government to punish wrongdoers carry any weight with you? I await the great convo's from this one! :)

A conservative with a Biblical worldview, too far from the S border and dangerously close to the N'rn one,


Todd Paris said...

You are closer to the suthern border then you think. Just visit a couple random dairy farms in your neighborhood.

Todd Paris said...

Our relatives were all illegal immigrants at one point? They should have to apply legaly to enter the country. I'm not sure about the laws but there has to be a way to become a legal alien or even citizen. Why not do it according to the law?

Pastor Mike Paris said...

Yes Todd, I am seeing a growing population of Mexican workers. In fact projections suggest that their pop will only increase. Perhaps faster than any segment of the population.
I believe in legalized entrance. I believe in firm, but fair deportation. I do not believe that we should simply build a wall. But what is the Biblical precedent or basis for such beliefs? That's really where I want this post to go. I do have some Bib principles that come to bear on this topic aren't there?
Keep posting,