Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Word from God

I am not a metaphysical person. I don't buy into the whole "God told me to..." movement. I try, in fact, to avoid such speech! I diligently seek to be clear in my speech about the "impressions of the Holy Spirit" and am not a big fan of experiential episodes as the "proof" that something must be normal.

So it will take you by surprise perhaps that I share this anecdote. It has never happened this way before. As I was reading Joshua 6 in preparation for the sermon that I was going to preach, I had a very clear, very articulated statement enter my mind. Again, I never have that happen, I usually work really hard at defining my propositions. And so I wrote it down. Again, I don't proclaim myself as the new prophet, but I definitely feel that this was a key statement so I wrote it down. It is the thought that has been rattling around in my brain ever since.

"Faith is repeated obedience without evidence of impact or effect."

Send me a note about how you have had to apply this concept recently or how this statement starts to rattle around in your head. I hope that it encourages you like it did/does me.

So keep walking around those walls; keep following after God's divine plan; get ready to shout in victory! Roo-ah!


Todd Paris said...

I liked it enough to write it in the margin of my Bible in Hebrews. With your name after it and not God's.

Pastor Mike Paris said...

Thanks. It probably was not divinely inspired enough to get put in there as an italicized chapter heading was it? Oh well. We can't all be as cool as all that.