Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Great "Get-out-of-bed-hit-the-floor-running" Quote

Hey! Need a get-you-fired-up-and-ready quote for the day? It comes from a great little book called Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray:

"The branch does not exist for itself, but to bear fruit that can proclaim the excellence of the vine: it has no reason of existence except to be of service to the vine."

Abide in Christ, p. 30-31

Trying to grow Vine-glorifying fruit today,

1 comment:

Todd Paris said...

Personally that is more like a get-out-of-bed-hit-the-floor-drink-a-cup-of-coffee-read-it-again-meditate-on it-awhile-hit-the-door-running type of quote. But that is just me.