Friday, June 15, 2007

The Finger of God

In the plague narrative in Exodus, Pharaoh's henchmen make an interesting anthropomorphic conclusion during the third plague (gnats/lice/insects/bugs).

"The magicians tried with their secret arts to bring forth gnats, but they could not; so there were gnats on man and beast. Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God." But Pharaoh' s heart was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the LORD had said."
Exodus 8:16-19, NASB

The finger of God. I believe that the magicians intended for this to be a harbinger of things to come, intended to dissuade Pharaoh from further irritation of this Hebrew God, YHWH. THey were saying, in effect: "We're dealing with a seriously higher power here dude!" or "We are so definitely out of our league on this one." This statement highlights the fact that there was a divine influence in this situation. If the magicians were in charge, it would have only taken three plagues instead of the power of ten. They were ready to release the Hebrews on their own recogniscence. This is a God thing, king! Pull out now while we're still standing here.

Yet, the king in all of his own worldy wisdom allows this episode to further bake his heart into a sun-dried brick! He doesn't take even the advice of his own "wisemen". He is up for a showdown with God, YHWH, the Self-Existent One. That is exactly what he gets. The finger of God writes in judgment of sinful, corrupted hearts, "Mene, mene tekel upharsin" [weighed, weighed and found wanting]. Just like Beltashazzar, Pharaoh was in a serious spot of light shone from the finger of God. Like the finger of the prophet Nathan, the plagues from the staff/hand of Moses, pointed out "You are the man". Yet in the face of indictment, Pharoah demands and maintains his innocence or at least his superiority.

The finger of God is only the wake-up call. It is the tip of the iceberg, the first part of the migty hand of God that has been promised to bring God's people out of the land of bondage. Too bad that Pharoah keeps rolling over and hitting snooze.

  1. Is God pointing out an area that needs some confession, repentance and rearranging?
  2. Are you listening or are you hitting the snooze button?
  3. Are you allowing the hardness of today to soften your spiritual sensitivities and draw you closer to God? Are you allowing them to bake your hardened, selfish heart and drive you farther from Him?

Don't wait for the mighty hand of God; choose to hear the finger.

Paying close attention myself,

**for further finger of God things, read Ex. 31:18/Deut 9:10, Luke 11:20, John 8:6

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