Wednesday, December 06, 2006

30 Days of Focus Logo Evaluations

We are embarking on another "30 Days of Focus" here at WyBC. It will begin on Dec31 and run through Jan 28. This campaign style annual address is a blatant plagarism/borrrowing from Rick Warren's 40 Days of Purpose. While we do not buy into all that Rick has espoused, we do believe that the focused attention as a body on one topic is very helpful. So we will borrow the concept, rename it, rework it, reframe it and serve it up to our flock.

This year's theme is "Service". Its byline is probably "Every member a minister". But I am working on a logo for the 5 Sundays that we will be working through these things. The logo will be on notes pages, slide shows, bulletin shells, wall decorations, etc. But after polling 5 people, I got 5 different sets of input. Go figure. I guess I must be a glutton for punishment, because I am asking you to weigh in on these designs. If you would view the logos attached and then "vote". You answer may be any of the selected logos or a compilation of them. Please tell me what you like and what you dislike. Simply typing a number in the comments section does not help me very much.

Thanks for your help,
Associate Pastor/Graphic Artist in Residence


Anonymous said...

If I had to pick one of the four, I'd pick #2. Minus the outline of the present. Maybe put the text on the tray. Anyway, I'll e-mail you a much better logo....

Anonymous said...

OK.....what happened to the awesome logo idea I sent you. I can't believe it hasn't been posted (as the official winner) yet....

Pastor Mike Paris said...

as you can see you are the only one weighing in on this incredible opportunity. Yet oddly enough, your choice did win out! Providence!
Thanks for playing along,